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Market Transfer Guide
by jason_kroeker, March 25, 2006

There will be two parts to this guide. The first will cover transferring items (weapons, armour, ingredients) from one character to another. The second will be about transferring money. Regardless of which of these methods you use, I suggest after the final transfer, you put all items back on market so it's not empty of that item for the next character.

Item Transfers

The lowest priced item will always be the one purchased on the market. So there are two options for transferring your item:

  1. You can list the item for much less than the current market price (usually 50%), wait for it to drop (use this calculator to see how long it'll take), and then purchase it at the low price. Since it takes time for the price to drop, there is always a risk that someone will buy it before it gets to 50% and then you've lost the item.
  2. You can list the item just below the current market price, and buy it with your other character. This sometimes requires a very large sum of money, depending on the item to be sold. But there is basically no risk in losing the item, because you don't have to wait for the price to drop at all.

Money Transfers

By properly buying and selling items between your rich and poor characters, you can transfer money from one character to the other. The trick is to find the right item, that will transfer the amount of money you want. This changes daily, according to market conditions, so you have to understand what to look for. Again, there is more than one way to do this:

  1. The rich character can buy a very over-priced item on the market, list it for cheap, and then after waiting for it to drop (use this calculator to see how long it'll take), the poor character can buy it cheap and relist just below the current market price. The rich character then buys it back (giving all that money to the poor character's market account), and can relist for exactly what he paid for it, in effect, losing no money when it eventually sells. Of course, with the waiting for the price to drop, there is the risk of losing the item and a lot of money, so do it at discreet times.
  2. Another option is to buy out all the items of one type from the market (if they're all at 50%, buy with the poor character, if not, buy with the rich character, and relist at 50% for the poor character to buy). Then the poor character can list for a lot (2500% for non-subscribers, 3000% for subscribers), and the rich character can buy them. This can be repeated if needed (rich character list for 50%, poor character buy and relist for a high price, rich character buy) to transfer more money.
  3. A third choice, which requires more research, is to find an item sold at the store, item shop, or temple that is listed for a high price on market. Then the poor character can buy at the store for 100%, list just below the current market price, and the rich character can sell back to the store after he bought them. Instead of waiting for the items to drop back to 50% on market after that, the poor character can just go buy more at the store, and relist for the high price. This method requires no waiting for items to drop to 50% (and no risk of loss in that way), but you lose a tiny bit to the store (buying at 100%, selling at 50%).

Market Transfer Tip

Here's a very useful tip for people waiting for items to fall in price. If your item (or group of items) is the ONLY item of that type currently for sale on the market, you can get the item to drop in price much more quickly than 10% per minute by repeatedly taking the item off the market and putting it back on again. Each time you put the item back on the market the price will drop another 10%. Going from 3000% to 50% usually takes 39 minutes on its own, but using this method you can do it as fast as you can spend the 78 clicks required to repeat the on-again-off-again cycle 39 times.

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